Topographic Variation and Suburbanization Currents: A Comparative Analysis of the South Western and the North Eastern Fringes of Dschang, Cameroon

Essone, Nkumbesone Makoley and Ngwaimbi, Chah Roland (2024) Topographic Variation and Suburbanization Currents: A Comparative Analysis of the South Western and the North Eastern Fringes of Dschang, Cameroon. Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 28 (11). pp. 163-171. ISSN 2454-7352

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Suburbanization is a facet of the development and extension of cities characterized by growth poles and suburban zones at the detriment of the Central Business District which gradually becomes depopulated. While significant evidence on the human triggers of this process exists, the role played by physical factors has seemingly received less attention in the literature. To close the research gap, this paper uses the case of Dschang to analyse the patterns of topographic differences as a precursor of variations in suburbanization. Using the northern and southern borders of the city, relief data was collected through a combination of satellite imagery and field georeferencing. For georeferencing, GPS (Garmin 65) was used to generate topographic data while landsat imagery 2022 was used to generate data on land use/land cover. In addition, data on the differential trends of suburbanisation in the northern and southern borders were gathered through field observations. Altitude, slope gradient and land uses were among the quantitative data collected while the perceptiom that influence the growth of suburbia represented qualitative data. The results of the qualitative and quantitative data analyses showed that the truncated relief in the south western part characterized by the escarpment is a strong impediment to suburbanization due to limited technology. This has contributed to a truncated suburbanization and a high risk of environmental hazards as some urban dwellers continue to settle in rugged and non-constructible zones toward the south western part of Dschang. In addition, the relatively gentle relief to the north-east has favoured suburbanization leading to the multiplication of suburban zones characterized by the leap-frog of unban activities. It was also established that the southern western part is characterized by sparse settlements and rangelands while the north-eastern fringe is dominated by growth poles which continue to leap-frog north-eastward. The study recommends the provision of utilities, a stringent planning and control of land use in the suburban to avoid future anarchy.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Eurolib Press > Geological Science
Depositing User: Managing Editor
Date Deposited: 28 Nov 2024 07:14
Last Modified: 28 Nov 2024 07:14

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